Oil of Lemon, Oleum Limonis
Biological source:
Lemon oil is obtained by expression from the fruit peel of Citrus limon (Linn.) Burm. Of the family Rutaceae.
Geographical source:
Lemon-tree is a native of India. It is now cultivated in commercial scale in Sicily, Italy, Spain, Portugal, California and the West Indies.
Macroscopical and microscopical characters:
Lemon oil is a pale yellow, thin oily liquid and has a specific gravity of 0.857 to 0.861. It possesses a pleasant aromatic odour and aromatic lemon taste. It is insoluble in water, but is miscible with ether and chloroform.
Chemical constituents:
Lemon oil mainly contains d-limonenc (about 90 percent) and citral (about 4 percent). It also contains small quantities of citronella), geranyl acetate, tcrpineol, a scsquitcrpene and aldchydcs.
Lemon oil is principally used as a flavouring agent. It also possesses stimulant, carminative and stomachic properties.